SQL CRUD Basics: Part 1 – Create

In Introduction to SQL CRUD Basics, I listed out the 4 elements of CRUD. Create is the first and the subject of this post. Create relates to the SQL INSERT statement, which is used to introduce new rows of data into a database table. Continue reading to learn basic usage of this first CRUD element.

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Populating a MySQL table with the INSERT statement – Beginner Series.

This third installment of the MySQL Beginner Series Basics will highlight INSERT syntax for populating tables with data. Be sure and visit both blog posts: CREATE Database, User, and Table – Easy examples with MySQL along with, ALTER TABLE: Examples with MySQL – Beginner Series, for an overview of the material covered so far in the series.

Discovering the ALTER TABLE command and INSERT statement with examples in PostgreSQL.

This blog post will demonstrate basic concepts of the ALTER TABLE command for changing an existing PostgreSQL table. INSERT statements will be introduced as well to populate an empty table with mock data. Visit Part 1 of this series for a refresher of the material covered up to this point.
