Newsletter Repost – OpenLampTech issue #109

WooCommerce block product editor | Escaping output in PHP and Laravel | SQL must go | GitHub and MySQL v8. OpenLampTech is a media and content source for PHP, MySQL, and the LAMP stack.


CodeIgniter 4 Database Features Overview in 2022 – Substack Repost

CodeIgniter 4 is a solid, well-designed PHP framework and one I enjoy using and exploring every chance I get. In 2022, the CodeIgniter 4 team released many database-related upgrades. Learn more about the ones I found most significant in this OpenLampTech report.


OpenLampTech issue #58 – Substack Repost

OpenLampTech is back with another solid newsletter covering the PHP, MySQL, and LAMP stack media for you. I hope you are enjoying these newsletters. I know I learn and enjoy each and every one of them in more ways than one. Be sure and share the publication with someone else you think would be interested in this content. Thank you!


Simulate LEAD() Window Function using correlated subquery

In my honest opinion, MS Access is one garbage of a database. More likely, database is too strong of a word. While I won’t be using Access in this article, there is a story there (but I’m not here to have an Access bash party). Continue reading for an example of how you may use a correlated subquery and simulate the LEAD() Window Function.
