MySQL Aggregate Query using CodeIgniter’s Query Builder

CodeIgniter’s Query Builder ORM has class methods for nearly any kind of database access/operation you can think of. In this post, I’ll cover some of the available methods for retrieving aggregate-level query results. The examples in this post map out Query Builder method chaining to produce results you would get from a raw MySQL query. Continue reading to see more…


CodeIgniter Form Helper library – at a glance

Working with forms is common for anyone in the web development field. Forms are used to capture information for one purpose or another. Be it user login credentials, or customer order details, forms are at the heart of interaction in websites and applications across the Internet. The CodeIgniter PHP framework comes with several built-in helper libraries, that assist in rapid web development. One of them is the form helper. In this post, I’ll cover some of the common methods available from the form helper library…

[Keep reading for more SQL database and PHP/Python-centric content >>>]

7 Tips to Choose a Technology Stack For a Web Application

Imagine you came up with the idea for a web application. The question is what tech stack to use to get a powerful web app. 

The technology stack for your product does not only bring it to life but affects its further maintainability, scalability, and many other factors.

Let’s consider the major tips you should take into consideration before getting the web tech stack and other web development services.


PHP date() function for common date formats

Dates and time are everywhere. We live and operate based on date and time values. Work, sleep, or play – dates and time are always a deciding factor. Where on earth would we be without a calendar? I can tell you where I would be… Lost. Speaking of dates, there is not one universal format that I am aware of. People write them in all kinds of ways. If programming in PHP (such as yours truly) you may wish to format a date value in a particular manner. Using the PHP date() function, it’s super easy. In this blog post, I share 3 common date formats you can pull off with the PHP date() function…

[Keep reading for more SQL database and PHP/Python-centric content >>>]

PHP technical writing compilation

Having spent the majority of this year programming a custom reporting dashboard for my employer written in PHP and MySQL, it is an understatement to say that I have learned a lot. Nothing beats real-world experience and I really have come into my own with PHP, learning more and more daily as I continue progressing forward on my goal of becoming a Back-End Web Developer. I have written several PHP-related posts this year and wanted to provide them all in one easy-to-access list. Enjoy! [Keep reading for more MySQL database and Python/PHP-centric content >>>]